Friday, February 4, 2011

Merchant of Venice Act 5

Belmont. Jessica and Lorenzo compare themselves to lovers from classical literature such as Dido and Aeneas. They continuously talk to each other about their declarations of love when a messenger interrupts them and informs the couple that Portia will soon be returning from the monastery. Launcelot also enters and announces that Bassanio will return to Belmont tomorrow. Afterwards, Lorenzo calls for music and declares that anyone who is not inspired by music deserves the worst cruelties and betrayals. Portia and Nerissa enter and hear the music before they reach the house. Portia thinks the music is enhanced by the night and candlelight which was lighting up the estate. Lorenzo then greets Portia who asks Lorenzo not to reveal her absence to her husband. Later on Bassanio, Antonio, and Gratiano arrive to the blaring of trumpets. As they greeted Bassanio introduced Portia to Antonio who confesses that he had been acquitted in the courts of Venice. Meanwhile, Gratiano and Nerissa argue over the ring with which Gratiano promised never to part. Nerissa scolds her husband for not keeping his promise while Portia also criticizes him for giving away his ring, saying that Bassanio would never part with his own ring. This belief is refuted since Gratiano reveals that Bassanio has also giving his ring to the lawyer who saved Antonio. Portia declares that her husband's heart is empty and promises never to visit his bed until he re procures the ring. Bassanio tries to make Portia understand that he gave the ring to somebody who he was indebted. Portia dismisses his explanation, saying that he probably gave the ring to another woman instead. Portia vows to be just as he was; to offer everything she owns to any worthy man. Antonio interrupts and asks the women to a accept his soul as compensation shoal Bassanio or Gratiano prove unfaithful again. Portia and Nerissa give in and give the rings which their husbands had given to them in their disguises. Bassanio and Gratiano recognize these rings as the ones they gave to the lawyer and clerk. Portia then reveals that she was the lawyer and Nerissa her clerk in Venice. Antonio then receives news that some of his ships have miraculously arrived in port, and Lorenzo is told that he will inherit Shylock's fortune.

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